Tuesday, September 17, 2024

BFRPG Session 2 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis


Name: Bregwald of the Woods

Class: Cleric

Race: Human

Level: 1

HP: 7/7

XP: 577 (1500)

STR: 12 (0)

INT: 12 (0)

WIS: 16 (+2)

DEX: 15 (+1)

CON: 15 (+1)

CHA: 9 (0)

Saving Throws:

 •Death Ray or Poison: 11

 •Magic Wands: 12

 •Paralysis or Petrify: 14

 •Dragon Breath: 16

 •Spells: 15

Skills: Turn Undead

Languages: Common


Description: A stout, dark haired man with thick limbs like the trunk of an oak tree. Follower of Murgo (The relentless). Lives in a chapel in the Flutewood Forest praying to Murgo daily. Often places offerings at the several shrines of Murgo and loves to see the forest grow taller and thicker due to Murgos blessing. 



Leather Armor




Holy symbol (Clay figure of Murgo)

Torches (6) 

Rations (6)



Session 2:

Leaving the goblin's twisted corpse bobbing in the river, Bregwald turns back to the waterfall, determined to find an entrance.

He searches again for an entrance (Increasing chances to 1-3 on d6 due to searching before):
5 - Fail

After some time searching, he fails to find any way past the thunderous downfall of water.

Oracle: What happens in order to help him find his way in?
Random event generator (d20): 14 - Theft or loss of an item

Whilst scrambling around the rocks at the foot of the waterfall, some dried meat Bregwald had packed as rations fall out of his pack. He hears the sound of scuttling feet drawing closer and closer. Emerging from the shadows of a yet unseen hollow amongst the rocks, a Mole Goblin scurries out on all fours, sniffs at the ration, and gobbles it up with its extendable jaws. 


Oracle: Does the Mole Goblin attack Bregwald? 
Yes/No (d6): 3 - Yes but...
Bregwald is quicker and attacks first.

Immediately after devouring the dropped ration, the creature sniffs at the misty air, leans back on its two hind legs and lets out an ungodly shriek.

Bregwald immediately draws down on it, mace aloft, ready to strike.


Mole Goblin HP (1d8 - 1): 2
Damage : 1d6
AC: 11
Damage: 1d6 (Jaws)

As Bregwald charges, he notices that its covered in wounds and bleeding; something further into the cave must have injured it.

Bregwald swings at the creature whilst it's still mid-shriek, aiming for its bloody face (d20 +1 atk bonus, +1 STR):
6 - Miss

But the creature smells him coming and jumps up onto a higher rock, before diving down at him, its extendable jaws gnashing at the air.

Mole Goblin Attack (d20 +1 atk bonus):
3 - Miss

Bregwald raises his shield, and deflects the creature back to the entrance of the hollow. He quickly chases it down, cutting off any routes of escape other than the tunnel from whence it came.

He violently takes another swing at the Mole Goblin(d20 +1 atk bonus, +1 STR):
15 - Hit

Damage (Mace, d8 + 1 STR): 
4 - Kills the Mole Goblin

The creature once again shrieks at Bregwald, but unphased he brings his bloody mace
crashing down, caving in the sharp teeth of its extendable jaws and killing it.

+10 XP for defeating the Mole Goblin

Bregwald stares down at the corpse; its face a bloody mess of broken teeth and bone. He wipes the sweat from his brow and kicks the corpse out of the way, thankful that it at least showed him a way in.

The tunnel is a tight fit, but he squeezes himself in, and begins to crawl down into the darkness.

Eventually he comes out into an open space, the air is damp, and the sound of dripping water on cold stone echoes around him

Oracle: Is the forest doll in this part of the cave (d6): 
2 - Yes

Long, raspy breaths can be heard coming from the gloom. Bregwald quickly pulls out a torch from his bag and lights it using his tinderbox. The breaths continue, and Bregwald turns to face the direction they're coming from. A shadowy figure of a small woman is stood unmoving in the darkness.

Oracle: How does the forest doll react (2d6): 
7 - Unfavorable

The breathing gets louder, as Bregwald nears he can see it is the forest doll from earlier; a figure looking like an old woman made from sticks and vines, held together by some kind of dark magic. As he nears it the sticks start to rattle violently. 

"You...are not welcome here..." The hissing voice seemed to echo from within Bregwalds own mind.

He takes a step back from the doll, and the rattling becomes less violent. He decides to search the rest of the damp chamber rather than risking a confrontation in the dark.

Oracle: Does Bregwald find a clue as to who's been desecrating the shrines?
Clue dice outcomes (d6): 6 - Major clue
Major clue pool (d6): 2 - Ancient prophecy

Doing his best to keep his distance from the forest doll (which is still lurking in the shadows, breathing deeply), Bregwald searches the outskirts of the chamber. The light from his torch reveals a large stone effigy of the decapitated head of Marko (The Oracle). At the base of it, is a large stone tablet, with the words "DEATH AND DECAY MUST RECLAIM THIS WORLD, SO SAYETH THE ORACLE" engraved into it.

He steps back, scratching his beard and wondering, who - or what, could possibly have created this other-wordly shrine, and could it be the same force desecrating the shrines near his chapel...

+500 XP for finding a major clue.

Add 10% extra XP as Bregwald is human.

561 total XP this session.


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