Saturday, September 21, 2024

BFRPG Session 3 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis


Name: Bregwald of the Woods

Class: Cleric

Race: Human

Level: 1

HP: 7/7

XP: 612 (1500)

STR: 12 (0)

INT: 12 (0)

WIS: 16 (+2)

DEX: 15 (+1)

CON: 15 (+1)

CHA: 9 (0)

Saving Throws:

 •Death Ray or Poison: 11

 •Magic Wands: 12

 •Paralysis or Petrify: 14

 •Dragon Breath: 16

 •Spells: 15

Skills: Turn Undead

Languages: Common


Description: A stout, dark haired man with thick limbs like the trunk of an oak tree. Follower of Murgo (The relentless). Lives in a chapel in the Flutewood Forest praying to Murgo daily. Often places offerings at the several shrines of Murgo and loves to see the forest grow taller and thicker due to Murgos blessing. 



Leather Armor




Holy symbol (Clay figure of Murgo)

Torches (5) 

Rations (5)



Scroll of Detect Magic

Session 3:

Bregwald steps back from the effigy, wondering how it could relate to the desecrated shrines that now litter the forest.

He turns round to face the rest of the room.

Oracle: Is the forest doll still there?

Yes/No (d6): 2 - Yes

The shadow of the forest doll still lingers ominously at the other end of the chamber, its rattling breathing echoes around the stone walls.

Oracle: Are there any further exits from the room?

Yes/No (d6): 4 -No, but...

Verb (d100): 50 - Ally

Noun (d100): 60 - Thief

A thin, masked man wielding two daggers emerges from the shadow of the tunnel. His mask portrays a crooked, smiling face.  

"Heh heh...I certainly wasn't expecting company. You don't look like one of those damned Oracle cultists, tell you what, help me get rid of our friend here *he nods to the Forest Doll*, and I'll share whatever I find here with you"

Bregwald nods, and the two men approach the Forest Doll, its skeleton of sticks and vines rattling violently the closer they get.


Forest Doll:

AC: 11

Atk Bonus: +1

HP (d8): 5

Damage: d6 (vines)

The masked thief runs at the Forest Doll shouting "I'll hold the damn thing still, you light it ablaze!"

The masked thief goes to wrestle the Forest Doll (d20 +1 atk bonus): 15 - Success.

Vines are flaring out from the Forest Doll's body, but the thief manages to sidestep them and wrap his hands around its body, holding it in place.

-4 AC to Forest Doll whilst wrestled.

Bregwald goes to plunge his torch into the twisted wooden mass that makes up the Forest Dolls body (d20 +1 atk bonus, +1 strength): 11 - Hit

Oracle: Does this kill the Forest Doll?

 Yes/No (likely, d6 advantage): 1 - Yes

+25 XP for killing the Forest Doll

The Forest Doll lets out an unholy scream that violently bounces off the stone walls of the cave around them. It goes up in a ferocious blaze as the thief pushes it away from him. The flaming corpse convulses on the floor, Bregwald covers his to ears to protect them from the unhallowed shrieking. Eventually  the screaming subsides and the corpse is reduced to nothing but a smouldering pile of ashes.

The masked thief looks up at Bregwald "Heh hehe...You certainly held up your end of the bargain, now I'll hold up mine, but we ought to be quick"

He wanders over to a stone sarcophagus that sits against the wall behind where the Forest Doll was stood, and starts to push the lid off.

Oracle: What kind of treasure is there?

Item discovery (d12): 4 - Scroll or book

What type of scroll (d100): 02 - Level 1 Cleric spell

What spell (d8): 3 - Detect magic

The huge stone lid drops to the ground to reveal a mummified corpse clutching a scroll, several gold rings around its fingers.

The masked thief shakes his head "How disappointing...I'd hoped for more", he snaps the fingers from the corpse's clutching hands, and empties the rings into a small pouch. "You can take that scroll, I have no use for it, farewell, hopefully we don't meet again...heh heh".

The thief runs off into the darkness of the tunnel from whence he came, his chuckles echoing down through into the chamber. Bregwald takes the scroll and stuffs it into his pack, before turning, ready to leave the cave himself.

+1 Scroll of Detect Magic

After crawling back through the tight tunnel, he once again finds himself at the foot of the waterfall. It is starting to get dark, he decides he better make his way back to the Chapel for the night.

Oracle: Does he encounter anything else on his way back through the woods?

Yes/No: 5 - No 

Oracle: Has the weather changed?

Yes/No: 6 - No and... (and not needed in this case)

He trudges his way through the woods, the soft ground begins to become an impassable bog due the endless rain. Mud covers his armour and slows his progress.

Does he get lost due to the difficult terrain:

WIS check (d20): 9 - Success

+25 XP for successfully getting back

Despite it being a battle through endless bog between the whistling trees of the Flutewood, Bregwald eventually finds his way back to his Chapel, and settles down for the night.

He cooks some vegetables in a pot over his fire, puts out his torch, and settles down for the night.



Add 10% extra XP as Bregwald is human.

55 total XP this session.


BFRPG: Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game

Solo RPG GME - Fantasy: Solo RPG GME - Fantasy - DriveThruRPG

Vermis: Vermis I - lost dungeons and forbidden woods –

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