Tuesday, September 24, 2024

BFRPG Session 4 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis


Name: Bregwald of the Woods

Class: Cleric

Race: Human

Level: 1

HP: 7/7

XP: 749 (1500)

STR: 12 (0)

INT: 12 (0)

WIS: 16 (+2)

DEX: 15 (+1)

CON: 15 (+1)

CHA: 9 (0)

Saving Throws:

 •Death Ray or Poison: 11

 •Magic Wands: 12

 •Paralysis or Petrify: 14

 •Dragon Breath: 16

 •Spells: 15

Skills: Turn Undead

Languages: Common


Description: A stout, dark haired man with thick limbs like the trunk of an oak tree. Follower of Murgo (The relentless). Lives in a chapel in the Flutewood Forest praying to Murgo daily. Often places offerings at the several shrines of Murgo and loves to see the forest grow taller and thicker due to Murgos blessing. 



Leather Armor




Holy symbol (Clay figure of Murgo)

Torches (5) 

Rations (5)



Scroll of Detect Magic

Session 4:

Bregwald settles down for the night, climbing onto a thin stone slab covered with straw that he calls his bed. He pulls a coarse woolen blanket over himself, moonlight shines through cracks in the door of the chapel.

Oracle: Does he get through the night safely?
Yes/No (d6): Yes, but...

Throughout the night, Bregwald is haunted by visions of the forest burning until eventually, the vast, rocky landscape is grey and covered with ash. Countless charred remains of the different creatures of the Flutewoods litter the now barren crags and peaks.

He awakes as the sun is rising, concerned by his visions. He runs to the door, flinging it open, praying that the forest is unchanged.

Oracle: Is anything waiting for him outside?
Yes/No (d6): Yes, and...
Verb (d100): 76 - Improvise
Noun (d100): 64 - Scout

A hooded figure has been following Bregwald since he left the cave, watching the chapel throughout the night, hiding in the dense foliage of the forest. The figure is prone beneath a mass of thorny bushes and watches Bregwald intently as he steps out of the chapel.

Oracle: Is the figure human?
Yes/No (d6): 5 - Yes and...
They are part of the Oracle cult

Does Bregwald notice that the figure is there?
WIS check (d20): 20 - Fail

Bregwald steps out, glad at least to see that the forest has not been reduced to a barren waste as it had in his dream. He stretches his arms out and walks unknowingly towards the bush where the hooded scout is hiding.

Oracle: Does the hooded scout ambush Bregwald?
Yes/No (likely, d6 advantage): 4 - No but...
They do approach him without attacking

Bregwald staggers back as he hears a sudden rustling in the bush in front him; crawling out from the brambles is a looming, hooded figure. Strands of greasy, matted hair poke out from underneath the hood and cling to the coarse fabric of their cloak. Their face is hidden. 

Reaction (2d6): 11 - Favorable

A croaking, haughty voice comes from under the hood. "I have been watching you, hermit. I come with an offer, renounce your faith in Murgo, embrace that which cannot be stopped, all things must fall into decay come the end, so sayeth the Oracle..."

Bregwald shakes his head in disbelief, and asks if followers of the Oracle are responsible for desecrating the Shrines of Murgo.

Does he succeed in finding out?
CHA check (hard, d20 + 2): 14 - Fail

The hooded figure raises their head slightly to reveal a crooked, menacing grin. "All will become clear when you embrace the Oracle. You have one day to make your decision..."

Fog creeps in from the surrounding trees, and the hooded figure retreats into it before disappearing from sight completely.

+100 XP for significant event

Disturbed by the whole exchange, Bregwald retreats to the chapel, and prays to his Effigy of Murgo, asking for a sign.

WIS check (hard, d20 + 2): 19 - Fail

Despite his deepest pleas, he is shown nothing by Murgo. He leaves the chapel, worrying if his god has abandoned him.

He decides to go out and gather what he can from the forest in order to make an offering to Murgo, and once again plead for assistance.

Oracle: What is the weather like?
Weather (d6): 6 - Foggy

The fog that had earlier seemingly swallowed up the hooded figure now creeps in from all directions of the forest. Bregwald feels as if he can see all manner of ungodly creatures watching him in the murky distance.

Does he encounter anything whilst out searching for offerings?
Yes/No (d6, likely): 2 - Yes
Encounter Type (d12): 5 - Environmental hazard

Bregwald wanders through the thick fog, the woods are unnervingly still, the normally howling Flutewood trees stand tall and silent. He loses his footing as all of a sudden the ground seems crumble from under him. He sees now he has stepped over onto the edge of a rocky gorge, fast running water flows far below.

Is he able to recover and climb back up?
DEX check (d20): 12 - Success

+25 XP for recovering

He nimbly recovers his footing and clambers back up onto solid ground. A number of
loose rocks splash into the water far below.

Oracle: Does anything hear the splashing?
Yes/No (d6): 5 - No

Bregwald thanks his god for the narrow escape, and he continues his search for a suitable offering...

Add 10% extra XP as Bregwald is human.

137 total XP this session.


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BFRPG Session 6 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis

CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Bregwald of the Woods Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: 1 HP: 5/7 AC: 15 (Leather Armor 13, +1 Shield, +1 DEX) XP: 118...