Friday, October 4, 2024

BFRPG Session 6 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis


Name: Bregwald of the Woods

Class: Cleric

Race: Human

Level: 1

HP: 5/7

AC: 15 (Leather Armor 13, +1 Shield, +1 DEX)

XP: 1189 (1500)

STR: 12 (0)

INT: 12 (0)

WIS: 16 (+2)

DEX: 15 (+1)

CON: 15 (+1)

CHA: 9 (0)

Saving Throws:

 •Death Ray or Poison: 11

 •Magic Wands: 12

 •Paralysis or Petrify: 14

 •Dragon Breath: 16

 •Spells: 15

Skills: Turn Undead

Languages: Common


Description: A stout, dark haired man with thick limbs like the trunk of an oak tree. Follower of Murgo (The relentless). Lives in a chapel in the Flutewood Forest praying to Murgo daily. Often places offerings at the several shrines of Murgo and loves to see the forest grow taller and thicker due to Murgos blessing. 



Leather Armor




Holy symbol (Clay figure of Murgo)

Torches (5) 

Rations (5)



Scroll of Detect Magic

Mummified Flesh

Session 6:

Bregwald packs the cut of mummified flesh into his pack, and turns to survey the rest of the crypt. His torch flickers over the crumbling, grey stone. He dreads to think what lies beyond the archway into which the giant skeleton had previously fled. 

He decides to search the chambers before leaving.

Oracle: What does he find?

Clue Dice Outcomes (d6): 1 - Roll on the Random Secret Discovery Table

Random Secret Discovery (d12): 2 - Friendly NPC

Bregwald continues to search the crypt but to no avail, he decides to avoid searching the archway on his own. Just as he's ready to leave the chamber, the door through which he had entered once again cracks open, a figure enters into the room.

Oracle: What is the NPC's personality like?

NPC Attitude (d12): 4 - Apathetic

NPC Motivation (d12): 4 - Fear

NPC Goals (d12): 9 - Glory

Oracle: What does the NPC talk about?

Verb (d100): 37 - Emphasize

Noun (d100): 18 - Spell

A wandering knight clad in a bascinet and dull chainmail pushes his way into the crypt with his head in his hands, he hardly notices Bregwald. He backs off to the walls and slumps to the ground, mumbling to himself.

Bregwald approaches the knight, who doesn't even look up, and continues to speak to himself. Bregwald asks him what is wrong.

"The mist...the's going to take us all. Please leave me, I can't bear to be out there for another second. The horror..."

Bregwald tries to convince the knight that sitting around waiting to die isn't an option, and that despite being free from the mist, the crypt certainly isn't a safe space to hide:

CHA check (d20): 7 - Success

+25 XP

The knight ceases his shaking, and stands up, pulling his broadsword from its sheath.

"Thankyou friend, I came to these woods hunting for glory, I don't intend on letting some fog stop me."

The two agree to search deeper into the crypts, hoping to split whatever treasures they may find, and at the very least rid the tomb of some of its hellish inhabitants.

Lead by Bregwald, they step under archway and into the shadows.

Oracle: Are there any doors leading from this chamber?

Yes/No (d6): 2 - Yes

How many? (d4): 2 doorways

Oracle: Is the Mad Bones inside this chamber?

Yes/No (d6): Yes, but...

It stands still in the shadows now, as it waits for our approach.

The torchlight reveals a long corridor, the walls are lined to the ceiling with corpses that lie upon stacked stone platforms. The air is thick with the smell of rot. 

Bregwald can see the faint outline of the looming skeleton standing at the end of the hallway, as if it's guarding the two doorways that lie either side of it. He raises his hand to signal to the knight following behind to stop, and surveys the room before going any further.

Bregwald surveys the corridor for anything of use:

WIS check (d20): 1 - Success

+25 XP

Bregwald notices hanging from the ceiling, above the head of the great skeleton, is a large chandelier made of wrought iron; its candles long extinguished.

He picks up a piece of the crumbling masonry lying about the crypt, and throws it at the chandelier:

DEX check (d20): 18 - Fail

He misses by a wide mark, the stone thuds against the ground beside the Mad Bones. The skeleton once again lets out an ear-piercing hiss, raises its mighty club, and charges the two adventurers who both stand ready, weapons drawn.


Mad Bones HP (2d8): 9

Damage : 1d8 (Club)

AC: 13

ATK Bonus: +2

Knight HP (1d8): 3

Damage: 1d8 (Broad sword)

AC: 15

ATK Bonus: +2

Bregwald and the knight both press in around the skeleton in the narrow corridor.

Bregwald bring his mace crashing against one of the skeletons knees (d20 +1 STR, +1 ATK bonus):

6 - Miss

But the towering mass of bones avoids by turning away, facing towards the knight who swipes at it with his sword (d20 +2 ATK bonus):

13 - Hit

Damage (1d8): 4 (Mad Bones only takes 2 due to being resistant to edged weapons)

The knight's sword scrapes off the skeleton's femur, its giant bones creak as its club comes thundering down upon the knight (d20 + 2 ATK bonus):

7 - Miss

The knight rolls out of the way, the club crashes through a stack of corpses in the wall. A storm of rubble flies into the air as multiple wrecked cadavers tumble to the ground.

Whilst the skeleton is lifting its club from the rubble Bregwald swings his mace at it with all his might (d20 +1 STR, +1 ATK bonus):

19 - Hit

Damage (1d8 + 1 STR): 9

Bregwald's mace smashes through the ungodly fiend, it lets out one last piercing hiss, before the bones tumble in a mess on the ground.

+100 XP

Bregwald and the knight step back before the giant pile of bones and corpses, grateful to still be alive. 

Add 10% extra XP as Bregwald is human.

165 total XP this session.


BFRPG: Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game

Solo RPG GME - Fantasy: Solo RPG GME - Fantasy - DriveThruRPG

Vermis: Vermis I - lost dungeons and forbidden woods –

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BFRPG Session 6 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis

CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Bregwald of the Woods Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: 1 HP: 5/7 AC: 15 (Leather Armor 13, +1 Shield, +1 DEX) XP: 118...