Wednesday, October 9, 2024

BFRPG Session 7 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis


Name: Bregwald of the Woods

Class: Cleric

Race: Human

Level: 1

HP: 5/7

AC: 15 (Leather Armor 13, +1 Shield, +1 DEX)

XP: 1354 (1500)

STR: 12 (0)

INT: 12 (0)

WIS: 16 (+2)

DEX: 15 (+1)

CON: 15 (+1)

CHA: 9 (0)

Saving Throws:

 •Death Ray or Poison: 11

 •Magic Wands: 12

 •Paralysis or Petrify: 14

 •Dragon Breath: 16

 •Spells: 15

Skills: Turn Undead

Languages: Common


Description: A stout, dark haired man with thick limbs like the trunk of an oak tree. Follower of Murgo (The relentless). Lives in a chapel in the Flutewood Forest praying to Murgo daily. Often places offerings at the several shrines of Murgo and loves to see the forest grow taller and thicker due to Murgos blessing. 



Leather Armor




Holy symbol (Clay figure of Murgo)

Torches (5) 

Rations (5)



Scroll of Detect Magic

Mummified Flesh

Session 7:

Bregwald and the knight step back from the pile of rubble, bones and corpses, they continue on down the corridor.

The two adventurers first check the door to the left.

Oracle: What kind of door is it?

Door Features (d20): 19 - Reinforced

They come to a thick, oaken door that is reinforced with bars of black metal. Rust has begun to devour the iron strips that run across it. Strange etchings are engraved into the wood.

The two using all of their strength decide to kick down the door.

STR Check (d20 advantage): 2 - Success

+25 XP

The door flies off the hinges and falls into the shadows of the adjoining chamber.

Oracle: What type of room is it?

Area Shape (d20): 16 - Custom Shape

Area Content (d100): 31 - Monster

What kind of monster?

Graveyard Monstrosities - Vermis (d12): 8 - Ghost mother (With Newborn)

Bregwald steps first into the chamber, it is uncomfortably still in there. In the centre is a decorated iron fence that runs its way around a white marble sarcophagus. Sculpted in the old marble is the likeness of a young woman holding her newborn child. They enter further into the chamber, the crying of a woman starts to echo around the old stone walls.

Appearing in the centre of the room, floating above the sarcophagus, is the shimmering mirage of a woman in a white dress. Holding a newborn baby in her arms, her cries grow louder.

Oracle: Is the ghost angered by our presence?

Yes/No (d6): 2 - Yes

The crying continues to grow louder, until it turns to screams, joined also now by the wailing of the infant.

Saving throw vs Spells (d20): 13 - Fail

Bregwald and the knight are struck with terror by the tortured shrieks of the undead, they turn and flee from the room.

Oracle: Does the ghost pursue them?

Yes/No: 5 - No

The two once again reach the corridor, the cacophonous cries of the undead subside. They agree not to enter the room again, lest they invoke the wrath of the ungodly presence they had just escaped.

They instead decide to try the door that had previously sat to the Mad Bones' right.

Oracle: What kind of door is it?

Door Features (d20): 9 - Damaged

An aged, withered, door lies before them, multiple slats have already crumbled and fallen to the ground. Bregwald peers between them to see what lies beyond before entering.

Oracle: What type of room is it?

Area Shape (d20): 15 - Custom Shape

Area Content (d100): 35 - Monster

What kind of monster?

Graveyard Monstrosities - Vermis (d12): 2 - Mad Bones

Beyond the door lies a room with three pillars that are supporting a vaulted ceiling. Stood in the center of the pillars is yet another looming skeleton holding a giant club. Lining the edge of the room are multiple stone caskets.

The two agree that if Bregwald can strike the skeleton as he had with the previous one, then it will surely fall, he only needs the opportunity.

Bregwald passes his torch to the knight and creeps into the chamber amongst the shadows.

DEX check (d20): 1 - Success

He makes his way into the chamber completely unnoticed by the Mad Bones and lies waiting in the shadows, ready for the knight to enter and distract it.

The knight bursts into the chamber, ready face the Mad Bones head on. Its bones begin to creak and the undead terror strides through the darkness of the crypt towards the knight, flailing its giant club around its head.


Mad Bones HP (2d8): 10

Damage : 1d8

AC: 13

ATK Bonus: +2

Knight HP (1d8): 3

Damage: 1d8 (Broad sword)

AC: 15

ATK Bonus: +2

The flailing club grinds across the floor as it swings across and up towards the knight (d20 + 2 ATK bonus):

14 - Miss

But it narrowly misses, smashing the old door behind the knight into the corridor.

Bregwald seizes his opportunity and emerges from the shadows bringing his mighty mace hurtling towards the mad Bones (d20 +1 ATK bonus, +1 STR, +2 attack from behind):

13 - Hit

Damage (1d8 +1 STR): 3

A violent crash echoes around the chamber as the mace smashes into the giant skeleton, it drops to one knee.

As the skeleton drops, the knight swipes his sword at its giant skull (d20 +2 ATK bonus):

18 - Hit

Damage (1d8): 2 (Mad Bones only takes 1 due to resitance to edged weapons)

The blade slashes across the skull, cracking the jaw, but the Mad Bones seems largely unfazed and once again stands tall, looming over the knight.

The violent tower of bones stands above the knight and brings its club crashing down from a great height (d20 +2 ATK bonus):

5 - Miss

But once again misses, caving in part of the stone wall beside where the old doorway had previously stood.

As the skeleton lurches trying to lift its great club from the rubble, Bregwald launches himself at the blasphemous terror and brings his mace smashing at the back of its skull (d20 +1 ATK bonus, +1 STR, +2 attack from behind):

12 - Miss 

But now he misses, swinging into thin air, he decides to back away slowly, focusing his attention on one of the stone pillars that line the center of the chamber.

Fear starts to take control of the knight as he stands one on with the Mad Bones. Terror-stricken he swings with his sword (d20 +2 ATK bonus):

15 - Hit

Damage (1d8): 2 (Mad Bones only takes 1 due to resistance to edged weapons)

The sword swipes against the ribs of the Mad Bones this time, cracking one in the process, but doing little to stop the oncoming onslaught from the tower of bones.

The Mad Bones lets out an unhallowed hiss and with both hands its club roars down at the knight (d20 +2 ATK bonus):

18 - Hit

Damage (1d8): 7

The club thunders through the shadows and this time finds its mark. The knight hardly has time to cry out in terror as he is hammered violently down into the stone floor. His mangled corpse completely folds upon impact and is left embedded in the dark stone below.

Keen to avoid a similar fate Bregwald settles on a plan to end the skeleton once and for all. He swipes at the crumbling stone column beside him with his mace and tries to push it in the direction of the skeleton.

STR Check (d20): 10 - Success

+25 XP

The stone column begins to crumble and falls down onto the Mad Bones, which lets out one final hiss before both it and the bloody corpse of the knight are crushed beneath the rubble.

+100 XP

Bregwald weeps for his fallen ally, and prays to his god; once again thankful to be alive.

Add 10% extra XP as Bregwald is human.

165 total XP this session.


BFRPG: Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game

Solo RPG GME - Fantasy: Solo RPG GME - Fantasy - DriveThruRPG

Vermis: Vermis I - lost dungeons and forbidden woods –

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BFRPG Session 7 - Using Solo RPG GME Fantasy & Vermis

CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Bregwald of the Woods Class: Cleric Race: Human Level: 1 HP: 5/7 AC: 15 (Leather Armor 13, +1 Shield, +1 DEX) XP: 135...